You probably know that the Verbal section of the GRE has a lot of complex vocabulary. But how do you know which words you need to know? If you’ve been looking for the best GRE vocabulary list out there, look no further—we’ve got it!
What makes this list the best one around? It strategically synthesizes the best expert GRE lists with words from official GRE practice material. We’ll let you in on the whole process and then present the 357 GRE words you need to know.
How We Made This GRE Word List
Well, first we opened our magical GRE grimoire. Just kidding! First, we combed through all available official GRE practice material and flagged all the words that might slip a student up. All of those words were pulled into their own list. Words that appeared at least twice were automatically pulled into the final vocab list.
Then, we found GRE vocabulary lists from major test prep companies and sites—Barron’s, Magoosh, Kaplan, Manhattan GRE, and the Princeton Review. We combined all of those lists with our own GRE word list from the practice material. Finally, all words that appeared 3+ times across the test prep lists and GRE practice material were pulled into the final vocabulary list. Then we defined them in clear, to-the-point ways.
This left us with 357 battle-tested GRE vocabulary words, ready for you to study!

Quick side note: we've created the world's leading online GRE prep program that adapts to you and your strengths and weaknesses. Not sure what to study? Confused by how to improve your score? We give you minute by minute guide.
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The 357 Best GRE Vocab Words
Without further ado, I present the 357 best GRE vocabulary words, in alphabetical order. Definitions begin with part of speech. Additional definitions go on a second line.
Word | Definition |
abate | v. to diminish in intensity
v. to cause to diminish in intensity |
aberrant | adj. diverging from the standard type |
abjure | v. to reject or renounce |
abscond | v. to leave secretly, evading detection |
abstain | v. to voluntarily refrain from doing something |
acumen | n. keen judgment and perception |
admonish | v. scold or to advise firmly |
adulterate | v. to contaminate or make impure by introducing inferior elements |
advocate | v. to recommend, support, or advise
n. one who advocates |
aesthetic | adj. concerned with the nature of beauty and art |
affectation | n. fake or artificial behavior, often meant to impress or conceal the truth |
aggrandize | v. enlarge or increase, esp. wealth, power, reputation |
alacrity | n. promptness and eagerness |
alleviate | v. to relieve a problem or ease a burden |
amalgamate | v. to combine to or mix together |
ambiguous | adj. unclear
adj. open to multiple interpretations |
ambivalent | adj. having mixed or contradictory feelings about someone or something |
ameliorate | v. to improve or mitigate a situation |
amenable | adj. easily convinced or persuaded |
anachronism | n. something old-fashioned
n. something appearing in a time period where it does not belong |
analogous | n. comparable
n. appropriate for analogy |
anoint | v. to choose for a particular office or position
v. to use oil on a person in a religious ceremony |
anomaly | n. an exception or unusual case |
antipathy | n. strong dislike or hatred |
antithetical | adj. contrary to the very nature of |
apathy | n. state of total disinterest or unenthusiasm |
appease | v. to placate
v. to satisfy (an appetite, a need) |
arbitrary | adj. seemingly chosen or designated without reason or purpose |
arcane | adj. secret or known only to a select group |
archaic | adj. old-fashioned
adj. no longer in the common usage |
arduous | adj. difficult, taxing, requiring considerable effort |
articulate | adj. exhibiting considerable communication skills, well-spoken |
artless | adj. without artifice
adj. natural, untrained |
ascetic | adj. austere or self-denying |
assuage | v. to provide relief from an unpleasant feeling
v. to satisfy a need or appetite |
astonishment | n. total surprise, shock |
audacious | adj. very bold or presumptuous |
austere | adj. severe, unadorned |
avarice | n. greed |
aver | v. to assert or allege |
banal | adj. boring, cliché |
belie | v. give a false impression (intentional or unintentional) in word, appearance, or deed |
benign | adj. gentle, harmless |
biased | adj. prejudiced, displaying partiality |
bolster | v. to shore up or support |
bombastic | adj. overblown, theatrical |
brazen | adj. bold or open to the point of shocking
adj. shameless |
bucolic | adj. pastoral, rustic, countryfied |
burgeon | v. flourish, bloom, expand or increase quickly |
cacophony | n. loud and chaotic noise |
calumny | n. lie or slander |
candid | adj. honest, open |
canon | n. accepted rules and tenets of a discipline
n. sacred works/scripture; in this sense it is also used to refer to notable literary and artistic works of a culture or discipline |
capacity | n. the capability to perform a particular action or fulfill a given function
n. the total amount a container can hold n. a particular position or role (i.e. “she served in an advisory capacity”) |
capricious | adj. mercurial, unpredictable, whimsical |
castigate | v. to scold or berate strongly |
catalyst | n. something that speeds up a process or causes action |
caustic | adj. corrosive
adj. bitterly sarcastic |
censure | v. to express intense condemnation |
chauvinist | n. someone who believes prejudicially that their own group is the superior one |
chicanery | n. trickery or deception |
chronological | adj. ordered by time |
coalesce | v. to come together, esp. from disparate parts |
cogent | adj. clearly laid out and persuasive |
commensurate | adj. in accordance with, proportional |
compelling | adj. captivating
adj. very persuasive |
comprehensive | adj. complete and thorough |
condone | v. to approve or allow |
confound | v. to confuse or astonish |
connoisseur | n. an expert in a particular subject matter area, usually relating to the fine arts or cultural pursuits |
consequential | adj. as a result of
adj. significant or memorable |
construe | v. to interpret |
consumption | n. utilization (esp. of a resource) |
contend | v. assert or claim
v. grapple with |
contentious | adj. controversial
adj. involving conflict |
contrite | adj. remorseful |
convoluted | adj. roundabout, not straightforward |
copious | adj. plentiful or abundant |
cosmopolitan | adj. of or relating to a city or urban area
adj. sophisticated |
covet | v. to desire something that does not belong to you |
craft | n. cunning
n. skill |
craven | adj. cowardly to the point of being shameful |
credence | n. belief or trust |
credulous | adj. gullible, naïve |
decorum | n. appropriate behavior or good manners |
deference | n. respect or polite submission |
deflect | v. divert or cause to ricochet |
deftness | adj. skill, acumen
adj. manual dexterity |
delineate | v. to describe very accurately
v. to clearly demarcate a boundary v. to render an outline |
demur | v. to object or raise concerns |
denigrate | v. say negative things about, particularly in a defamatory way |
deride | v. to mock or ridicule |
derivative | adj. imitates another work in a way that is unoriginal or uninspiring |
desiccate | v. to dry out completely
v. to suck out the vitality and passion |
desultory | adj. halfhearted
adj. inconsistent or random |
detachment | n. objectivity or aloofness |
determinant | n. a strong factor in an outcome |
diatribe | n. a rant or angry speech denouncing someone or something |
didactic | adj. educational or with an instructive purpose; often includes an element of moralizing |
diffident | adj. shy, timid, or reserved due to a lack of confidence |
dilettante | n. someone with an amateur, nonserious interest in something |
dirge | n. funeral or mourning lament
n. any sad, slow song |
disabuse | v. to dispel someone’s illusions or false impressions about something |
discern | v. to perceive |
discrepancy | n. inconsistency |
disinterested | adj. objective, unbiased
adj. not invested in the outcome |
disparage | v. to belittle |
disparate | adj. dissimilar to such a degree that comparison is not possible |
dispassionate | adj. impartial or cool |
disregard | v. to ignore or pay no attention to |
dissemble | v. to mislead or conceal the truth, esp. with respect to one’s motives |
disseminate | v. to spread widely (esp. information) |
dissonance | n. a clash between two elements that don’t blend well |
diverge | v. to split apart, esp. a road or path |
dogma | n. the official beliefs or tenets of particular sect or group |
dupe | v. to deceive or fool |
ebullient | adj. cheerful, enthusiastic, excited |
eccentric | adj. quirky or unusual |
eclectic | adj. composed of a variety of styles, themes, motifs, etc. |
efficacy | n. effectiveness |
elegy | n. sad poem or song, often in remembrance of someone deceased |
elicit | v. to provoke a response |
eloquence | adj. persuasive and articulate speech |
eminent | adj. well-known, respected, distinguished |
empirical | adj. based on evidence |
emulate | v. to imitate or attempt to equal in accomplishment |
enervate | v. to exhaust or drain of energy |
engender | v. to cause or give rise to |
enhance | v. intensify, increase, augment |
entitlement | n. belief that one deserves things one has not earned
n. the rights one is afforded under the law |
ephemeral | adj. short-lived or transient |
equable | adj. even-tempered
adj. not given to much change or variation |
equivocate | v. to use ambiguous language in order to mislead or deceive |
erroneous | adj. incorrect |
erudite | adj. learned |
eschew | v. avoid or abstain from |
esoteric | adj. obscure, arcane |
estimable | adj. deserving respect, esteem, and admiration |
eulogy | n. memorial speech for one who has passed, normally given at a funeral |
exacerbate | v. to make worse |
exacting | adj. challenging, demanding, grueling |
exculpate | v. to exonerate or vindicate |
exigent | adj. urgent or pressing |
exonerate | v. to clear of charges of wrongdoing |
expatiate | v. to elaborate on something in great detail |
explicate | v. to explain in detail |
exposition | n. a thorough explanation
n. a public show or fair |
extraneous | adj. irrelevant or superfluous |
extrapolate | v. to estimate or conjecture about the future based on presently available information or facts |
facetious | adj. glib or flippant |
facilitate | v. to make something easier or simpler |
fallacious | adj. relying on a fallacy and thus incorrect/misinformed |
fastidious | adj. meticulous
adj. invested in cleanliness |
fluctuate | v. to shift without apparent pattern |
foment | v. to foster unrest or discontent |
forestall | v. to hold off or try to prevent |
fortuitous | adj. fortunate and lucky |
frugal | adj. economical, thrifty |
gainsay | v. deny or oppose |
galvanize | v. to prod someone into action |
garrulous | adj. talkative |
gauche | adj. socially inept, inappropriate, or awkward |
germane | adj. relevant to the matter at hand |
glib | adj. talking volubly, but carelessly or insincerely |
gregarious | adj. sociable, genial |
guile | n. craftiness and cunning |
hackneyed | adj. cliché, trite, banal |
harangue | n. diatribe or rant |
hedonism | n. the pursuit of pleasure |
hierarchical | adj. arranged in rank order or hierarchy |
homogenous | adj. uniform, identical |
hyperbole | n. obvious exaggeration for effect |
iconoclast | n. a person who attacks traditional religious and cultural institutions |
ideological | adj. relating to a particular belief system or theory |
imminent | adj. about to happen |
immutable | adj. unchangeable |
impair | v. to hinder or weaken someone or something |
impediment | n. barrier, hindrance, or obstruction |
imperturbable | adj. remaining calm under any circumstance |
implacable | adj. unforgiving
adj. relentless |
implicit | adj. implied or insinuated without being directly stated |
imprudence | n. bad judgment |
impudent | adj. disrespectful |
inadvertent | adj. by accident or unintentional |
Inchoate | adj. rudimentary, in the beginning stages |
inconclusive | adj. indeterminate or unresolved |
indebted | adj. owing money
adj. owing gratitude to someone or something |
indefatigable | adj. cannot be made tired |
indolent | adj. lazy
adj. idle |
infer | v. to conclude from implicit evidence (as opposed to explicit facts) |
ingenuous | adj. naïve or innocent |
inimical | adj. harmful or hostile |
Innocuous | adj. harmless |
inscrutable | adj. enigmatic, incomprehensible |
insipid | adj. bland, uninspired, inane |
insular | adj. tight-knit and isolated; uninterested in matters outside one’s immediate sphere |
intensive | adj. concentrated and in-depth |
intermediary | n. a go-between |
intimate | adj. close (as in a relationship)
adj. particularly private v. to imply |
intractable | adj. unmanageable
adj. stubborn or obstinate |
intransigent | adj. uncompromising, obstinate |
intrepid | adj. bold and adventurous |
inveterate | adj. ingrained, habitual |
invulnerable | adj. indestructible, impervious to harm |
irascible | adj. irritable, testy, touchy |
irresolute | adj. wishy-washy, hesitant |
laconic | adj. taciturn, reserved, succinct |
laud | v. to praise |
laudable | adj. praiseworthy |
litigation | n. legal proceedings |
loquacious | adj. talkative |
lucid | adj. clear and coherent |
luminous | adj. full of light |
magnanimity | n. generosity and nobility of spirit |
maladroit | adj. clumsy, awkward, inept |
malign | adj. evil or harmful
v. to speak negatively about someone or something |
malleable | adj. pliant or pliable
adj. easily influenced |
maverick | n. an unorthodox person or rebel |
mendacity | n. untruthfulness, dishonesty |
mercurial | adj. easily changeable, fickle |
meticulous | adj. paying close attention to detail |
misanthrope | n. person who hates humanity |
mitigate | v. to improve a painful, unpleasant, or negative situation |
modest | adj. not boastful
adj. not overly showy |
mollify | v. placate |
monotony | n. boredom and repetition |
mundane | adj. everyday, boring |
munificent | adj. very generous |
naïve | adj. inexperienced or gullible |
nascent | adj. just beginning or in the early stages |
neglect | v. to abandon or leave uncared-for |
nonplussed | adj. confused and baffled |
notoriety | n. fame for doing something negative or criminal |
nuance | n. subtle shades of difference |
obdurate | adj. stubborn, obstinate |
obscure | adj. mysterious or not well-known
v. to cover something up or make it more difficult to perceive |
obsequious | adj. overly fawning and helpful in a way that is disingenuous |
obstinate | adj. stubborn, uncompromising |
obviate | v. to forestall the need for something
v. to prevent |
occlude | v. to block or obstruct |
occult | n. the mystical and supernatural |
offset | v. to counterbalance or counteract |
olfactory | adj. relating to smell or the sense of smell |
omniscience | n. the quality or state of being all-knowing |
onerous | adj. difficult or burdensome |
opaque | adj. not see-through; blocking light |
opportunism | n. the practice of taking advantage of opportunities as they arise without particular concern for morality or ethics |
opprobrium | n. criticism or condemnation |
oscillate | v. to swing back and forth between two points, poles, or positions |
ostentatious | adj. overly showy in a way that is gaudy or vulgar |
outstrip | v. to overtake or outrun |
overshadow | v. to literally cast a shadow over
v. to appear more notable than |
painstaking | adj. attentive to detail, meticulous |
partial | adj. incomplete |
partisan | n. a devoted supporter of a group, cause, or person |
patent | adj. blatant, obvious |
paucity | n. scarcity, poverty |
pedantic | adj. overly concerned with irrelevant detail, fussy |
pedestrian | adj. boring, monotonous, run-of-the-mill |
perfidy | n. treachery or deceit |
perfunctory | adj. done without much effort, care, or thought |
peripheral | adj. on the edge or periphery; not centrally important |
permeate | v. to pervade or penetrate throughout |
perseverance | n. persistence in the face of obstacles |
peruse | v. to read something carefully and closely
v. to read something informally or quickly (context is critical for this word!) |
pervasive | adj. found everywhere, widespread; often has a negative connotation |
phenomena | n. things that happen |
phlegmatic | adj. cool and unruffled |
pith | n. the essential substance of something |
placate | v. to calm, esp. an angry or upset person |
plastic | adj. easily shaped or molded
adj. made of plastic |
platitude | n. a trite or cliché statement |
plausible | adj. believable, reasonable |
plethora | n. a surplus or overabundance of something |
plummet | v. to fall quickly and far |
polarize | v. to cause a sharp division between two groups |
polemical | adj. angry, hostile, harshly critical |
pragmatic | adj. practical |
precarious | adj. uncertain or unstable |
preceded | adj. went before |
precipitate | v. to cause
adj. hastily and not well-considered n. particulate matter formed within a solution |
precursor | n. a forerunner |
prescient | adj. knowing things before they happen, prophetic |
presumptuous | adj. overly familiar; invades social boundaries |
prevail | v. to succeed, esp. with respect to vanquishing an opponent
v. to convince or persuade |
prevaricate | v. to evade or deceive without outright lying |
pristine | adj. untouched, clean, pure |
probity | n. integrity and honor |
prodigal | n. a reckless spender |
prodigious | adj. enormous, immense, gigantic |
profligate | adj. extravagant and wasteful, esp. in an immoral way |
proliferate | v. to multiply and spread rapidly |
propitiate | v. to obtain special favor from someone, esp. a powerful person or deity, by performing a pleasing action
v. to appease someone who is angry |
propriety | n. appropriateness, manners, decorum |
prospective | adj. potential or likely
adj. applicable to the future |
qualification | n. credential
n. a modifying statement |
quotidian | adj. relating to the everyday or mundane |
rationalize | v. to attempt to justify with reasons that are only superficially valid |
reconcile | v. to bring into harmony
v. to repair a relationship |
recondite | adj. arcane or obscure |
refute | v. to rebut or disprove |
relentless | adj. never stopping, constant |
relevant | adj. relating to the topic or issue at hand |
reproach | v. to scold or express criticism |
repudiate | v. to renounce or disown |
rescind | v. to take back or retract (an offer or statement) |
respectively | adv. in the sequential order previously given |
reticent | adj. hesitant to speak
adj. introverted or silent |
reverent | adj. solemn and respectful |
rhetoric | n. the art of effective communication (written or verbal) |
salubrious | adj. health-promoting |
sanction | v. to give official permission
v. to impose a penalty for a particular action n. punishments imposed for breaking a regulation |
satiate | v. to completely satisfy (with respect to hunger or appetite) |
secular | adj. of or relating to the world or worldly matters (as opposed to religious ones) |
sediment | n. material that settles at the bottom of a body of water |
sedulous | adj. dedicated and careful |
simultaneous | adj. occurring at the same moment |
solicitous | adj. considerate, attentive |
soporific | adj. makes sleepy |
sparse | adj. scattered or scarce
adj. austere and unadorned |
specious | adj. spurious; appearing true but actually false |
sporadic | adj. occasional or scattered |
spurious | adj. fake or false |
stolid | adj. calm and dependable |
subjective | adj. open to personal interpretation; not based in objective fact |
substantiate | v. to corroborate or give evidence of something |
subversive | adj. meant to undercut established institutions or norms |
sufficient | adj. enough for a given purpose |
superbly | adv. excellently |
supine | adj. laying back with the face upward (opposite position to prone) |
supplant | v. to overtake or replace |
sycophant | n. a fawning, insincere admirer |
synthesize | v. to combine disparate parts into a coherent whole |
tacit | adj. unspoken; implicit |
taciturn | adj. reticent or reserved; tending towards silence |
temperance | n. moderation and restraint, sometimes used to specifically describe abstinence from alcohol |
tenuous | adj. weak, flimsy, insubstantial |
timorous | adj. meek or timid |
tirade | n. an angry rant |
torpor | n. tiredness, lethargy |
tortuous | adj. winding or twisty
adj. complicated |
tractable | adj. can be easily influenced or managed |
transient | adj. passes quickly; short-lived |
ubiquitous | adj. ever-present or universal |
unadorned | adj. plain; unembellished |
undermine | v. to weaken or compromise |
underscore | v. to line underneath for emphasis
v. to emphasize |
untenable | adj. weak or unsupportable, esp. with respect to an opinion or situation |
vacillate | v. to shift between multiple options or opinions |
venality | n. the state of being capable of being bribed |
venerate | v. to give a high degree of respect; may border on worship |
veracity | n. Truth and factual accuracy |
verbose | adj. long-winded; loquacious |
vexation | n. state of being frustrated, irritated, or concerned. |
volatile | adj. easily changeable or extreme; unstable |
whimsical | adj. fanciful or capricious |
zeal | n. passion or fervor |

What Should I Do With This GRE Vocabulary List?
The first thing to do with this list is to look it over to identify any words you don’t know or are confused by. If you aren’t 100% confident that you can use a word correctly in a sentence, study it! Of course, you don’t need to study words that you are already totally solid on. That would be a waste of time.
Once you know which words you don’t know, you need to learn them! We provide quick and easy definitions for memorization purposes. And the best way to memorize a lot of vocab words is to make flashcards! Luckily, we’ve made them for you. If you’d rather study your flashcards online, I recommend Quizlet. You can make a free account and use various tools to study your own flashcard sets.
However, while a level of rote familiarity with the words is important, knowing how the words are actually deployed in context will help you on the test. To help with this, try reading publications with lots of GRE vocabulary, like The Atlantic, the New York Times, and The Economist. This will help you see how lots of words are deployed in actual writing. You can also use a plug-in for your browser that highlights GRE vocabulary words, like Pervasive GRE for Chrome.
So, once you know which words from the list you still need to know, you have two necessary prongs of attack. On one hand, you need to memorize the words and definitions with flash cards. On the other hand, you need to make sure you know how the words are used in context by finding articles where the words are deployed. In the next section, we’ll discuss the best way to study vocabulary flashcards.

How Do I Study All These Flashcards?
Now that you have the goods, how do you get them to deliver for you? Once you print out the flashcards, we advise using the waterfall method to study.
Let’s say that you have 100 flashcards in a pile.
You’ll go through the cards one by one. For each card where you know the definition easily, you’ll put it in your “Know It” pile. If you don’t know the definition, put it in your “Struggled” pile.
When you’ve gone through all the words, pick up the “Struggled” pile. Next you’ll go through this pile. For words where you know the definition, place them in a second “Know It” pile next to but not combined with the first “Know It” pile. For words you don’t know, make a new “Struggled” pile.
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Repeat this process, placing new “Know It” piles in a row from left to right. This creates your “waterfall.” Repeat this until the “Struggled” pile only has 4-5 words.
Now, you’ll move back up the waterfall. Start with the last “Struggled” pile and go through it repeatedly until you know all the words in the pile. Then, add the most recent (the rightmost) “Know It” pile.
Go through those words. If you miss any, go through the entire pile again until you get all of them right.
Seems brutal, but it will guarantee that you learn those words! Continue this process until you get all the way back up the waterfall. This means you know all the words!
This is the best method to drill vocab flashcards because you study the words you don’t know as well much more than if you just studied the entire stack over and over. For more details on the waterfall method and using flashcards to study, check out our complete guide to GRE vocab flashcards.

Key Takeaways: Learning GRE Vocab Words
GRE words can make a real difference in your Verbal score: studying our GRE word list of these 357 essential GRE vocab words will help you be fully prepared for success on the test!
The first step is to look through our list and identify all the words you aren’t 100% solid on. Then, make sure you both know those words in context and study them as flashcards.
To memorize the words in flashcards, use the waterfall method. You’ll have a GRE-ready vocabulary in no time!

What’s Next?
Try our GRE flashcards or our GRE PDFs for more great vocabulary practice!
Have more questions about the GRE? Get a complete guide to the GRE format, check out an expert guide to what’s covered on the GRE, and learn how the GRE is really scored!
If you need more resources for prepping, get a list of the best GRE prep books, the four best GRE question of the day sites, and all the complete official ETS practice tests!
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